Residential Air Conditioning Installation Tips

17 February 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Most modern residential properties have air conditioning systems. However, property owners do not give much thought to the AC installation process. It predisposes them to make minor errors that prevent them from enjoying the AC system in their homes. Nevertheless, this should not be your case if you read this extensive residential air conditioning installation guide. 

Always Hire An HVAC Professional

DIY home improvements have become quite popular in the 21st century. It is especially so since homeowners are always looking for avenues to save costs as they improve their homes. However, AC installation should not be a DIY project. The golden rule is to hire an experienced and accredited professional to install the system. Why do you need a professional? Well, HVAC professionals have the expertise to determine the size of AC needed in your home. 

Besides the floor space, they also evaluate the thermal conductivity of the building materials, type of roof, local weather patterns, property orientation, and how well the property is insulated. Moreover, the professional inquires about future building works that could affect the AC's functionality. For example, you might want to use the AC system in a future extension. The professional also prevents you from voiding the AC warranty. Remember, some manufacturers restrict DIY installation since you could accidentally damage the system and seek free repairs from the manufacturer. 

Decide Between Central And Split Systems 

Most homeowners have a challenge when choosing between central and split systems. The secret is evaluating your heating goals and budget. For instance, if your home has a few rooms, you might not be interested in creating individual heating or cooling zones. In this case, you could opt to purchase a central AC system. Conversely, split AC systems suit homeowners whose family members have different heating and cooling needs. For example, an elderly person on the property might want warm air, while the kids might like the AC to blow a cool breeze. In most cases, split systems are a bit pricier than central AC systems. However, split AC systems are easier to install since they do not need ducts. They are, therefore, an ideal choice for homes that do not have an allocation for ductwork in their design. 

Buy An Appropriate AC System 

The general rule when purchasing the AC system is to ensure it incorporates modern features. For instance, a thermostat makes it easier to adjust the temperature ranges. Moreover, the AC should be compatible with your devices. It allows you to control the equipment remotely. Finally, the AC must have high energy efficiency and low noise. 

Contact a professional to learn more about residential air conditioning installation