Improper Installation Methods of Your Air Conditioning Unit That Increase Your Expenses

3 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Investing in an air conditioning unit is a must if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions. Yet, that does not mean you must spend all your earnings in paying for air conditioning expenses. There are certain things you can do to help limit your spending on energy every month and lower your electricity bills. Learn some air conditioning installation mistakes that you can avoid and save money.

Positioning Your Unit in the Wrong Place

The automated thermostat will adjust to the prevailing room temperature. If you position your unit close to a heat source, the thermostat will adapt to the temperatures. You should not set your machine in direct sunlight as it will overwork, leading to more energy use and higher bills.

Making your AC overwork also reduces its lifespan. It is paramount to inspect your compound before installing your unit to ensure you position it away from direct sun rays.

Selecting Bad Air Distribution Design

Your home's duct plays a significant role in determining how well your unit will cool or heat your home. If you have damaged or poorly designed ductwork, you will have inefficient air distribution in the room. Poor ductwork results in the unit working harder than its standard working capacity. That will lead to expensive repairs that you can avoid by having better ducts in place.

A leaking duct will affect the efficiency of the air conditioning unit as well. Ensure you have leak-free vents by inspecting the system and maintaining it.

Using Your Air Conditioning Unit With the Windows Open

Sometimes you may want to keep your windows and doors open to enjoy the cool spring breeze, but keeping the AC on when your doors and windows are wide open increases the rate at which it works. That is because it has to fight the humidity to create a comfortable atmosphere.

Making the unit work harder is an easy way of increasing your utility bills. It is advisable to use the ceiling fans instead of letting the AC work when your windows are open.

Installing the Unit Unprofessionally

The heating and the cooling system in your home may not be the same as any other home, so it is essential to work with professional HVAC contractors. They will research and develop the best solution to the heating and cooling needs in your home.

Professionals will also make sure your HVAC system is installed in the best way. They will also help you find an air conditioning unit that works best for your home. 

Avoid the mistakes above if you wish to reduce your energy costs. Working with experts can help you avoid these mistakes since they have the right skills and experience to ensure a proper installation of your system. 

For more tips on air conditioning installation, reach out to a local HVAC technician.